Saturday, November 22, 2008

Eternal hope and politicians

It now looks like Governor Bill Richardson has landed a job. You may remember that he ran for President, when it was clear there was no chance of the electorate choosing him this politico stoadied up to both Senator Clinton and Obama in a desperate search to become their VP nominee. When that failed he touted himself in an important cabinet post. Looks like he got Commerce. Richardson has a BA and MA from Tufts and served as the UN Ambassador under Clinton. But his search for a new job, after he won and was re-elected as New Mexico's governor seems to have finally paid off. There is not much indication he knows anything about the roles in his new job - but then what does the Commerce Department do anyway (besides collecting some important statistics)?


Anonymous said...

DrTax; Off the subject of Mr. Richardson, but, what's your spin on this murmer about reinstating The Fairness Doctrine (sic) JAD

Anonymous said...

He is identity politics at it's most basic level. What's his most important accomplishment? Overseeing the capitulation by career State Department to the North Koreans? I anticipate his offering concessions to major weather systems on behalf of NOAA and explaining why the US wishes to withdraw from NAFTA, but not really.