Saturday, November 01, 2008

Chino Blanco and Prop 8 - A couple of developments since our last exchange

Chino Blanco sent me another post on Prop 8 in which he includes a You Tube describing Steve Young's opposition to the Proposition. Which is on You-Tube.

This has been an interesting race with lots of twists and turns. I am not sure whether CB also saw the editorial endorsement of the NO position by Ward Connerly. Let's see how the voters judge it on Tuesday. FInally, within the Adventist church there has been a spirited discussion with several prominent Adventists urging a no vote and urging their legal arm (the Church State Council - which has been prominent in FIrst Amendment issues) to reverse their decision to support the proposition.

1 comment:

Chino Blanco said...

Thanks for posting that YouTube clip.

That said, please don't ask me to read Ward Connerly's latest statements.

I don't need to. I come from the libertarian wing of the Democratic party (remember the FISA debate?).

Point being, I've been in agreement with Ward since day one:

"For anyone to say that this is an issue for people who are gay and that this isn't about civil rights is sadly mistaken. If you really believe in freedom and limited government, to be intellectually consistent and honest you have to oppose efforts of the majority to impose their will on people."