Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Wisdom of Speaker Pelosi

Speaker Pelosi commented for the Chronicle - "Unfortunately, I think people thought they were making a statement about what their view of same-sex marriage was. I don't know if it was clear that this meant that we are amending the Constitution to diminish freedom in our state."

I voted against the Amendment but the Speaker is involved in fantasy if she does not think the voters knew what they were voting on. The short title, which was constructed by the Attorney General said "ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME–SEX COUPLES TO MARRY.
INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT." The Attorney General had some controversy about the ballot title because supporters of the initiative wanted the title to simply be definitional. But Brown's redefinition made it very clear what the voters were deciding on. The first line in the short title of the Amendment - which voters saw immediately said "Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California." Evidently, the Speaker did not bother to read the ballot.

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