Tuesday, May 10, 2011


John Kerry is nothing if not resourceful.  The guy who served briefly in the military and then tried to parlay it into a successful presidential run opened his run for the presidency with "John Kerry reporting for duty" - even though for most of his political career, which began with the Vietnam Veterans Against the War - where he partied in Watergate while his comrades in arms froze their butts off on the National Mall and then continued in his time as an elected official supporting two bit dictators and trying to strip funding from the military - that John Kerry, wrote an OPED called Duty Calls at Home, which said in part - 

"At home, we have big decisions on energy, education, infrastructure, research, deficits and entitlements that will decide whether America will keep leading the world. These decisions can bolster our economic recovery and create jobs of the future, but only if Congress gets serious about doing what’s right for America.
The government was brought to the brink of shutdown because the budget debate devolved into partisan finger pointing. Republicans began criticizing the president’s budget ?— a detailed plan that reduces our deficit by $4 trillion in 12 years —before he had even announced it. We can do better, but only if politicians are willing to put aside the ideology and ask the wealthiest Americans and richest corporations to share in the responsibility, rather than just asking senior citizens to carry all the burden through radical changes to Medicare."
I guess Mr. Kerry is not bothered that in the last couple of years, we've escalated both spending and debt to monster proportions. Isn't the role of the GOP to propose alternatives to our reckless increases in spending and debt? The only way to respond to our needs is to try to yank even more from the highest income citizens (who now pay about 38% of the burden in income taxes or almost 60% of you go down to the top 5% of incomes).   Ultimately the fight on the debt ceiling needs to begin with the assumption that any agreement to increase it should start with an equal amount of cuts.  If Kerry and the President want to expand our debt ceiling - then let them propose how to reduce overall spending dollar for dollar.   But don't expect anything but hollow rhetoric from Mr. Kerry, it has served him well since the early 1970s.  Thankfully the American people recognized that he was not the best candidate for President.

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