Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Evident Extreme Surplus in Pundits

In economics supply and demand are supposed to come into equilibrium.   In TV news we seem to have an extreme oversupply of "experts."   That has been in rich demonstration as the OBL story has played out.

For example - we've heard from the surplus of counter-terrorism experts who say definitively that they know "how the events in Pakistan went down" because they are a) a former SEAL or Airborne who participated in lots of these kinds of activities or b) once saw a real SEAL or Airborne on the street.   Then there is the expert on Islam who can say definitively what the single appropriate method of burial for devout Muslims is.   Then there are the foreign relations experts who argue that Pakistan either knew or it didn't (not often do they say both in the same interview) about the raid and that because of the a) close proximity of the Pakistani "West Point" or b) the configuration of the compound or c) the shoe size of OBL and that someone is withholding a vital piece of information.   Then there are the macabre photo experts who want a death photo or a video of the raid and can tell you why US foreign policy will either be helped or hurt because of the release or non release of the photo/video.  Then there is the "former State Department high level official" who can explain why a) the White House is inconsistent in its story or b) the release of information is part of a grand strategy or screw up (again not often in the same commentary).

For me the issues here are simple.   #1 - An evil person was found and killed. #2 - No American was killed or injured in the raid.  #3 - Evil in the world has not been vanquished.

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