Monday, October 01, 2007

Pie-andering politicians

The election season started early this year. And for the next several months we will hear a continuous path of politicians who need to offer pie in the sky proposals to pander to one group of constituents or another. The first of these was "fiscal conservative" Hillary Clinton. Last week she offered a new policy proposal to suggest that at birth every child in the US should get a $5000 savings bond. Were each birth in a year to get a $5000 bond - the net cost to the taxpayers would be a cool $20 billion annually.

This is the same politician who called for a "new fiscal responsibility" in government. She is also the Senator who had $148 million in earmarks in the defense authorization bill for 2008. Chris Matthews described Senator Clinton's behavior thusly "Hillary Clinton did what she always does, what her husband always does is refuse to pay a price for political office. To always defer to someone; always avoid taking a position within any interest group that might offend some interest group within the Democratic Party. It seems the whole tactic of the Clintons, never take a stand that offends anybody in the whole room full of Democratic Donors and then you get elected because you don't offend anybody."

Although Hillary is the first to get this award, but she should not be the last. To paraphrase John Lennon - "She's not the only one."

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