Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Dwarf that would be president

Joe Biden gave an interview to the Washington Post today which was a stunner. In addition to claiming that he was the most qualified to be president among the democrats he "stumbled through a discourse on race and education, leaving the impression that he believes one reason that so many District of Columbia schools fail is the city's high minority population." His staff quickly clarified his statements. If you worked for this guy that would be a constant skill. Remember the Delaware senator was the same guy who at one of his own events claimed that Indians owned all the Dunkin Donuts franchises in the state. No stereotype there.

Biden comes off as a skank in Clarence Thomas' excellent book. Biden promised Thomas that a) he would be fair in the hearings held for Mr. Thomas and b) that Anita Hill's declaration, which the FBI could not find any credible corroboration for, would remain confidential. Neither promise was maintained. When he last ran for president he favored cribbing speeches and no crediting them. The chapters in Thomas' book on what Justice Thomas called a "high tech lynching" are even more compelling than the rest of the book.

Biden claimed in the interview that most people do not know him - except for policy wonks who watch C-SPANN. To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen - "I know Joe Biden and he is no serious candidate for president."

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