Monday, October 22, 2007


This morning I was flying to Claremont for a meeting at mid-day. The flight was delayed and there was a young kid playing near where I was waiting in line. He was traveling with his mom and was fine until he went down the jetway. All of a sudden all hell broke loose. He clearly did not want to be on the plane. (I feel like that often on Southwest but presumably for different reasons!)

He let out bellows that probably were heard in LA. A lot of people boarding were making jokes about where not to sit. I briefly thought that I would sit next to the mom and then found a seat next to a young Japanese couple. Soon after I was seated the young lady (wearing a new engagement ring) took out a piece of paper and quickly folded an origami frog which jumps when you press it down. Then she passed it back the couple of rows to the mom - and immediately the kid quieted down. It was a remarkable demonstration of kindness.

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