Sunday, July 20, 2008

iPhone Sales

As of tomorrow there are three Apple stores in the country with any iPhones. New Hampshire and New York have 16 gig White and California has 16 gig Blacks. That did not happen with the first generation iphones. The British phone company 02 had one spokesman who said "Demand is really high. In some of our stores we have been selling 40 iPhones an hour - the same level of sales those stores usually do in a day."

It is interesting to me that Apple seems to have planned for a big run on the new device - all of the press reports suggested that they shipped a large number of phones into the US but they still are experiencing shortages.

One could have seen this coming. In April Google recorded 6.9 million searches on the iPhone. That traffic continued in subsequent months. The chatter also heightened with the developer's conference held in June. One wonders when the second wave of product will arrive.

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