Monday, May 26, 2008


Subway, the sandwich shop, has a contest going right now to encourage kids to write creatively. Sure there is a linkage to a product. And in an ideal world the company would broaden the theme. Sure it requires a purchase - so presumably they thought that by doing good they would also do well. But getting kids to write a 500 word essay - with a beginning, middle and a conclusion should be applauded.

But not this promotion, it should be met with loud boos. Subway explicitly excludes home schooled children. Why in the world would they do that? They've been mum so far. But let me offer some suggestions.

#1 - The grand prize is $5000 of sports equipment for the kid's school -so we could not let this prize drift into someone's home - we are trying to help schools too. Someone with even a soupcon of sense would have added a requirement that for a home schooler that part of the prize could only be contributed to a local park or Boys or Girls club - or similar civic resource.
#2 - We simply do not like home schoolers. Even a company like Subway could not be that stupid - although as you look at the What You Could Win box (and the spelling of Bastket in the Grand Prize description ) you might not believe that.
#3 (Most likely) Some numbskull in corporate thought this was a good idea. That is the most credible explanation.

All this proves two things. First, many PR ideas could be better thought out. Second, Subway will now learn something about the intensity of home schooler parents. (I am not one but understand the reasoning why some parents choose to take their kids out of public schools.)

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