Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More on Podcasts

In the last couple of weeks I have used a lot of podcasts for listening when I am working out. I discovered a couple of good ones and a bunch of lousy ones.

The Lousy to the Good - the New Yorker has a couple of election podcasts - the ones I listened to were so utterly predictable that they were laughable. In one the first 10 that I listened to covered democrat candidates nine times and with a bias toward Clinton. On the other hand Slate has something called the Gabfest. It is not hard to understand where their bias begins but their conversation is interesting and insightful. Gabfest is entertaining and worth your time.

The good to great - The National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, has a series of mostly book talks by authors that has proved very compelling. Some are silly (Cornel West showed nothing if not why Larry Summers made the right decision to move him on) but many are quite interesting. A panel on Benjamin Franklin was fascinating. Bruce Carlson has something called my My History can Beat Up Your Politics.

1 comment:

Lee said...

http://www.kcrw.com/news/programs/lr is good.