Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Of course I purchased the new Apple Air. My first impression is a bit mixed. There is a standard Apple program called Migration Assistant that allows you to copy over files from your old computer to your new one. In this case I am going from a MacBook Pro to an Air as my day to day laptop. The tradeoff is simple - I go from 120 Gigs to 64 but reduce weight by a bit more than a pound. Unfortunately the MA does not consider that one would go to a smaller hard disk. I got convinced of the utility of putting more of my stuff into the ether - and so MA should account for that.

The trades press has done a lot of yammering on the sealed battery and also on the lack of a DVD drive - neither of which bother me. Tomorrow I am going in for a visit with the Apple experts to think about how to solve this problem.

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