Monday, March 28, 2011

(dumb) Political Calculation

I am at a loss to explain why the GOP in Sacramento voted against Governor Brown's proposal to end redevelopment agencies in the state.   When the Kelo decision came down the GOP was all over the injustices of how eminent domain has been used to bash through middle and lower class neighborhoods.  Their arguments were right.  As I said at the time, the Kelo decision was one of the Supreme Court's least finest hours.

Redevelopment in California has followed the process it has in other states.  A lot of the decisions have put public decisions around things which would be inadvisable in the marketplace.  Yet the GOP seems to defend this somehow as an essential part of local control.    That is nonsense.   Ending this boondoggle would accomplish two things at once.  It would reduce potential eminent domain abuses and it would force local governments to be a bit more judicious about their decisions on development programs.

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