Monday, September 01, 2008

Sarah Palin - the real deal

An interesting thing has happened. A governor from a tiny state with only brief experience (although more executive experience than the three guys who are running for Prez or VP) seems to have caught the nation by storm.

There are some interesting indicators. First, from listening to the conservative side of the aisle, there seems to be genuine excitement about Governor Palin. Second, the democrats are scratching their heads. They've started to try out the low level politics that have marred both parties for the last several years - a) she supported the bridge to nowhere, b) she has no experience, c) Alaska is not real experience, d) she has a daughter who is "with child" (shudder), e) she does not mirror the vast majority of women in the country , f) Palin's husband was arrested for a DUI 24 years ago, and my personal favorite - g) Joe Biden will eat her alive (she does not know what she is getting into). The level of shrillness seems to be increasing and that does not suggest that the dems are all that sure of their situation. Third, there has been a frenzy of digging to understand the new person on the scene. The evolving story seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. Fourth, the buzz on Palin is huge - she seems to be high in the Twitter ratings. Fifth, Obama's convention did not seem to move anyone. It is usual, after a week of coverage, that the candidate would get a post-convention bounce. That did not seem to happen. I thought it odd during the convention that I did not hear one person make personal commendatory comments on Senator Obama's achievements.

Does that mean McCain will win? I think it is still way too early. But Palin, seems in the first several days, to have shaken up the race and at the same time shown how the democrat's version of Strom Thurmond (long on seniority, short on actual legislative leadership) was such a poor choice. Obama's key speech line - "Change does not come from Washington, we bring it to Washington" may prove quite prophetic.

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