Monday, September 08, 2008


Richard J. Daily, the Mayor of Chicago who presided during the 1968 democratic convention was an anachronism. But he offered up a term that I still love. Daily at one point said "I resent insinuendos."

For the last few days an email has circulated with Governor Palin either in a stars and stripes bikini or in a somewhat revealing blouse and high heels. Some of those photos have been circulated by detractors and some by supporters. The detractors try to suggest that Palin is not qualified because of the photos. One of the supporter's emails show pictures of the other three candidates (Obama, McCain and Biden) and suggest only an idiot would vote for those three. Both of the pictures are Photoshopped

The Obama Muslim rumors are of the same type. I am sure that there are similar issues with Biden and McCain. Ultimately, we should be talking about the issues that count - how do we fix Social Security, what is the right trade policy, what role should government have in health care?

What bothers me is how cavalierly some people take this process. Indeed, there are differences between the two sides, but let's have a thoughtful discussion about those differences rather than making it up. I guess I agree with the Mayor.

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