Sunday, March 02, 2008

Cartesian Humor

My daughter called me yesterday with a joke.

René Descarte goes into a Starbucks and orders a coffee. The barista asks him if he wants room for cream.

He replies "I think not."

When she was growing up there were some frequent comments about both Descarte and his successor (I think therefore I am, I think). An obscure academic would have recast the joke -

Descarte goes into a Starbucks and orders a coffee. The barista asks him if he wants room for cream and he replies "Cogito no" (Descarte's original formulation was "Cogito ergo sum" - because that was the way scientists of his era talked to each other).

But my daughter's version was better.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mikey said...

Dad! You missed the best past of the joke - he says "I think not" and then he disappears :) LYMI MLE