Thursday, March 25, 2010

We don't do commercials

On February 3, I did a post on the Value of a College Degree, arguing that traditional measures offered by places like the College Board, had some flaws. Yesterday I got a request to post the following comment from "accelerated-degree" which said the following:

This seems to be a great site for XXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX by comparing top universities with quality education.I have got sufficient information about online college degrees from XXXXXXXXXX. (The deletions were references to the website.)

If these programs offered through the site are such high quality, the writer would not make silly errors in grammar. But more importantly, the requested site is a move to send one to a group of proprietary and unaccredited institutions. At some point I may do a post on the differences between proprietary institutions and non-profits. Ultimately, I believe the proprietary model often puts the interests of students in direct opposition to the interests of shareholders. The mark of quality that my proposed commenter suggests has a group of institutions whose default rate on student loans exceeds 20% (by the most liberal of measures) - from my perspective that is not the indication of a "quality education." So while I normally publish any comment offered by my readers - this one is rejected.

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