Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Reviewing the race for the presidency

At the beginning of this series of posts I said there were four things which concern me about candidates for president (which would make me less likely to support a candidate) - being a member of the US Senate, being a new kid on the block, whether the job of a president is to make proposals (I expressed skepticism about the capabilities of government) and I want a candidate to have at least a somewhat normal life. As I read through the posts on each of the major candidates - those turn out in 2008 to be pretty stringent filters which no candidate among the existing ones can pass. So then we come down to what one political wag called the "evil of two lessers." At this point, I am not prepared to support one of those candidates.

But I do believe the appointment power to the courts is a critical one and so in this election will have a slight edge to the GOP candidates. There is a lot of time between now and November (IMHO a bit too much for an intelligent campaign) but we'll see whether my current reservations will be abated.

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