Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Mr Romney

On the issues, Mitt Romney comes very close to what I think a president should say. His foreign policy ideas are close to mine although he is a bit more harsh on Cuba than I would (I think you overwhelm them with trade - fax machines and TVs work better than sanctions but neither the dems nor the republicans can seem to understand that). His tax language is fine. Generally he was less government in government.

But I have an uneasy feeling about him. He may be a bit too slick. I thought his speech on the role of faith was substantive and inspirational. He explained the key role of faith in the American tradition without going into the details of his own religious tradition (which should be outside of a presidential campaign. A lot of his other prescriptions seem to be canned.

Could I vote for him? Sure. Is he my first choice? No.

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