Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ann Coulter v. Hitler

Recently Ann Coulter - who IMHO is one of the most brilliant marketeers I have ever encountered has gotten a lot of liberals and some conservatives to be twitterpated about her outrageous remarks. So some wag decided to list a bunch of Coulter and Hitler quotes. The quotes are as follows:

"Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason...Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy."
"We must study this vile liberal technique of emptying garbage pails full of the vilest slanders and defamations from hundreds and hundreds of sources at once, suddenly and as if by magic, on the clean garments of honorable men, if we are fully to appreciate the entire menace represented by these scoundrels of the press."
"Taking these consequences into account, it is no accident that it is always primarily the liberal who tries and succeeds in planting such mortally dangerous modes of thought in our people."
"Liberals are always wrapping their comically irrelevant charges in a haze of lies..."
"Hence it is that at the present time the liberal is the great agitator for the complete destruction of America. Whenever we read of attacks against America taking place in any part of the world the liberal is always the instigator."
"It was a crushing defeat for the liberals, not because liberals were necessarily Communists, though many were, but because they had been morally blind to Communism...Liberal elites defended traitors. In response to the Soviet threat, the Democrats consistently counseled defeat, supplication, and retreat."
"These scum manufacture more than three quarters of the so-called 'public opinion,'...To give an accurate description of this process and depict it in all its falsehood and improbability, one would have to write volumes."
"The immediate consequence of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a wholesale abandonment of morals. Laws against divorce were loosened, promiscuity was encouraged, and marriage was demeaned as a "bourgeois institution." Providing a battle cry for the sexual anarchists, Vladimir Lenin had famously said that the act of sex should "be as simple and unimportant as drinking a glass of water." American liberals have used their hegemonic control of...newspapers to create a charming world in which women apparently cannot bear to keep their shirts on."
"As long as millions of the bourgeoisie still piously worship their liberal democratic press every morning, it very ill becomes these gentlemen to make jokes about the stupidity of the 'comrade' who, in the last analysis, only swallows down the same garbage, though in a different form. In both cases the manufacturer is one and the same liberal."
"The foremost connoisseurs of this truth regarding the possibilities in the use of falsehood and slander have always been the liberals..."
"The truth is another hateful "bourgeois institution."...liberals always seem to be enthusiastically defending liars. Lying is their most cherished human activity."
"Here the liberal's procedure is as follows: He approaches the worker, simulates pity with his fate, or even indignation at his lot of misery and poverty, thus gaining his confidence...With infinite shrewdness he fans the need for social justice, somehow slumbering in every American man, into hatred against those who have been better favored by fortune..."
"Liberals always get a lot of credit for suffering, while never actually being made to suffer."
"It is this press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation."

I took the test and got 9/14. I am not sure what that means. Obviously, Coulter and Hitler made outrageous statements. But then most anyone in the public light makes sharpened statements and Coulter is an adept self promoter. A good deal of what she says and writes is designed like most any other celebrity to encourage people to buy her product. The Dixie Chicks and Madonna on the left are also guilty of making outrageous statements and I am sure if someone had the energy one could find comparisons to Mao. The difference is, obviously, when the Chicks (whose current tour is bombing) make statements the press applauds them for their insight. When Madonna desecrates religious symbols the press remarks on her "artistic" talent. And when Hitler spoke he followed up with actions. Coulter, at least as far as I can see, is merely a cheeky conservative writer.

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