Saturday, April 23, 2011

African Cats

Last night we saw African Cats which is Disney Nature's movie about a group of Cheetahs and two pride of Lions in the African Savanna in Keyna.  Here are six things that I thought about the movie -

1) The photography is unbelievable.   Just the grandeur of the location is impressive.  The production values here compared to earlier Disney nature flicks are seriously better.
2) The movie tended to anthropomorphize the three groups a bit much for my taste.   In order to keep the animals straight they are named.  But the movie goes on to attribute behaviors to levels of thought not instinct.
3)Life on the Savanna is harsh.  During the movie a couple of the main characters disappear.  That is the way it is in the wild.  The cats are hunters so they are shown running down their prey - but always in a tasteful manner.   This movie is fine for small children.
4) It is hard to understand the timeline here.   Clearly the hunters rely a lot on a rainy season and the migration of prey into and out of the region.   But it would have been easier to follow the movie with a better understanding of the time it took for things to happen.
5) Samuel Jackson is a very good narrator but the script was horrible.  It was done in a mawkish fashion which I found off-putting.
6) While I do not object to this, the Disney people are doing a nature movie with a lot of tie-ins -so the website has a lot for sale.  They also give you opportunities to "get involved."  There is a teacher's guide which can be downloaded.  But ultimately what they are doing is selling a movie.  Not bad at all - but not noble either.

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