Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius - Meaningless Statistics and Rhetoric

The Health Secretary was on NPR last night and very combative about the Administration's health plan. She suggested that all of the outrage that Members of Congress have experienced in the summer break is "organized." I'm not so sure that is true. Members in a variety of districts have found some pretty grumpy voters. Some are hiding behind Townhall Teleconferences.

The Secretary was also citing that 12,000 Americans a day lose health insurance. That amounts to almost 4.4 million people a year. Are those only the people who lost their jobs as a result of the recession (and what about COBRA)? Evidently she believes that by scaring the voters she can help propel a bad idea forward.

The opportunity for the President is significant. According to every poll there is a large majority of voters who would like to make a change in the way that health insurance works. At the same time an increasing majority of Americans is rejecting the President's complex plan. If the President is indeed as ideological as his critics suggest he is - then he will not take this opportunity. Sebelius' responses on NPR suggest that the Administration still thinks they can power this one through. I think they are wrong.

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