Friday, August 07, 2009

Driving to Lassen and the Rivercats

Tonight my grandson and I were driving to Lassen Park for a hike tomorrow. We listened to the Rivercats versus Oklahoma. We went ahead only to have them tie it up in top of the ninth. The game went to the twelfth and we won it when Eric Patterson scooted across home plate. What was most fortunate about the time 92.1 was going out of our range - Patterson came across. Johnny Doskow confirmed we had won 4-3 and then we lost signal.

The game kept me awake as I was driving north on Route 5 after a very long day (which had started at about 4:30 to catch a 6:30 flight to Orange County). What a great way to end the day. Soon after we lost signal we got to Red Bluff and to our hotel. It made the drive a lot easier - albeit until the bottom of the twelfth a bit frustrating.

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