Sunday, August 16, 2009


This photo is from a rally that the President held last week. It sums up a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of government. Change, by itself, is not necessarily always positive. In the Bee's section on comments one writer argued that the health care system needs to be tweaked, she is correct. We can always find a way to make health care more efficient and a bit less expensive. But as the American people have demonstrated over this interim - they understand that change for change sake will not always offer positive results.

In the last several decades health care has changed a lot. We've improved survival rates for a number of diseases. We've improved the quality of life for persons with several other diseases. But based on records from the Veteran's Administration health care system and Medicare - the government has not been at the forefront of making positive change. Medicare is expected to grow in costs by about three times the expected rate of GDP growth over the next couple of decades. Is that the change we cannot afford not to do?

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