Thursday, June 05, 2008

Arnold Kling on Parsing Senator McCain

Arnold Kling is an economist who runs something called Econlog. In a post on June 4 Kling expressed an interesting concern about Senator McCain. He goes through a speech which I did not see and parses the good and bad things that McCain brought to the speech. In the good, the Senator brings a great deal of humility. In the bad, he worries about McCain's belief in working together. He comments "Senator McCain notes that his critics fear that a vote for him is a vote for a third term of the Bush Administration. Not all of that fear comes from the left. Some of it comes from those of us who remember the spirit of bipartisanship and compromise that gave us No Child Left Behind, the unfunded prescription drug benefit for Medicare, ethanol mandates, and zilch on reforming Social Security." That is a point of view that you will not see in the Mainstream Media - but it is certainly a worry shared by many who think about the risks of politics. Sometimes bipartisan agreements are not the best solution.

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