Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Fallwell

He died today but his stage had already moved on. The biggots of the right are as bad as the biggots of the left. In the 1980s he and Pat Robertson were the anthesis of Jackson and Sharpton on the left -both groups were prone to make grandious statements in support of their narrow positions. Unfortunately, the main stream media still seems to think Jackson and Sharpton actually represent someone.

Lord Acton was right, Power does corrupt. and Absolutely.

1 comment:

Gary Reed said...

This post is being considered for The Sacramento Bee's roundup of regional blogs, which appears Sunday in Forum.

The Blog Watch column is limited to about 800 words. Blog posts included in the column are often trimmed to fit. The blog's main address will appear in The Bee, and the online copy of the article will contain links to the actual blog post.

If you have questions (or you DON'T want your blog post considered for inclusion in the newspaper column), contact me at greed@sacbee.com

Gary Reed
Forum Editor