Sunday, December 04, 2005

When Reality Resembles Film

One of the pleasures of the last six months has been Netflix - a really great service. It does not have every movie but a pretty good selection of them - and it allows you to have three out at a time - no time limit. Send one back and get the next one on your list.

Last night I saw a movie about Terry Gilliam trying to make the film of Don Quixote. Orson Welles tried it long ago and failed but as you watch this documentary (called Lost in LaMancha) you see an allegory for what Cervantes was writing about 500 years ago. Gilliam is a very talented director. But between some odd plans and some very bad luck - he looked like he was tilting at windmills on this project. He started without a clear plan - chose a face that looked absolutely perfect for Don Quixote and Johnny Depp for Sancho Pancha. But between an inadequate financing, poorly organized plans and lousy luck - the film was never made. Or was it? Was this a documentary of the type like Spinal Tap? Were we spoofed?

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