Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Reflections on Mexico

The American perception on Mexico is a bit daft.  For example, the drug problem is mostly in the north of the country.  But many Americans are worried about the whole country.  One of the deans I worked with yesterday expressed concern that many Americans are worried about coming to Merida.  From my perception and actually from the data - Merida is a very safe place.

They also do not have a good idea about the depth and breadth of the Mexican attraction to technology.  WIFI spots in big and small towns are ubiquitous.  Compared to five years ago when many towns only had dial up service.  This morning as I was waiting for my flight to Mexico City, I counted five other passengers working with their iPads. (Lots of other computers too but I was counting iPads).

Then there is the electronic WSJ.  It seems that I cannot get it in Mexico.  I am not quite why that would be but it must be something about how it is delivered to my iPad.

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