Saturday, December 29, 2007

No Choice #1

A few days ago I commented that I could not vote for Bill Richardson. His performance since the assassination of Benazir Bhutto has only confirmed my thinking. About ten months ago Richardson urged the Administration to support Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. He was quoted in the NYT as saying ""I think the vice president is right. You have to lean on Musharraf, who is our ally. And what you don't want to do is provoke a situation, even though he's not a great champion of human rights, democracy, et cetera, to have somebody replace him who is less friendly to us, who would cause us real problems." Today the Times quoted him as saying (about Bush) "He needed to choose whether to support the dictator or the Pakistani people. He chose the dictator. Repeatedly. And by doing so, he has let down both the American and the Pakistani people."

Anyone with that kind of long term vision has no business being president.

He makes a great lapdog for Clinton but someone should tell him that his chances of being nominated for the job he is actually running for (VP) are very small.

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