Monday, March 05, 2007

Followup on the Jesus Tomb Story

I got to see the Discovery Channel's "documentary" last night while in Dallas. After the earlier presentation (I think I saw it the second time the channel showed it) there was a roundtable discussion where the scholars were uniformly critical of the film. I especially concentrated on the statistics professor who, IMHO, has a bizarre sense of the power of numbers - his argument was roughly, if the names on the tombs were actually there is would be a huge coincidence (to X to the XXX power) that all of these names were in the same place without proving our hypothesis. Well of course if you accept the initial premise which most legitimate archeologists do not, then the power of statistics might have some validity.

One of the scholars on the after panel labeled the conclusions of the film to be "archeo-porn." That about sums it up for me.

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