Thursday, November 16, 2006

Auspicious Beginnings (?)

The leadership contests in Congress are notable for what they are not saying as much as for what they are saying.

Former Abscam figure (an unindicted co-conspirator) and demi-prince of pork John Murtha has been annointed by Speaker designate Nancy Pelosi - it is unclear whether his caucus will elect him. By the way, thanks to U-tube - you can see the grainy video of this "leader" dancing around what the FBI considered a bribe on YouTube. Whether Mr. Murtha broke the law here, and the prosecutors thought it was a judgment call, he certainly skirted the bounds of propriety. Not exactly what I would call a paragon of leadership. Trent Lott, former "leader" in the GOP senate caucus was elected back as a whip in that caucus. Lott was bounced from leadership for some inappropriate remarks about Strom Thurmond. But before he was bounced he was not exactly what anyone would call a visionary leader. Maybe the inside job of Whip is something appropriate to his energies.

The Congressional Research Service produced a report that estimates that earmarks (16,500 in 2005) cost the American taxpayer $50 BILLION last year. The provisions offered to reduce this practice look amazingly like something the GOP offered in this congress which the dems labeled a sham. One of the key provisions requires authors of these measures to be named - which some members of congress point out might be considered a badge of honor. Others would ban last minute adds to bills and would prohibit family members from personally benefitting from earmarks (Murtha's brother is an earmark lobbyist in DC of pretty legendary proportions).

Not surprisingly, the netroots (nutter) crowd is supporting Murtha (30 years) over Steny Hoyer (26 years) for the position as a way to show the new direction of the Congress. The next two years should be even more fun than the last two! The caucus voted for Hoyer this morning - one wonders about the long term implications for that - but I personally think that was the right choice.

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