Monday, January 15, 2007

Sense and Nonsense

Since the President's speech on Iraq I have been bothered by the attempts, especially in the Senate to craft a non-response. Several opponents of the President's proposal are unwilling to cut off funding for the war efforts but are willing to do what John McCain calls "emotional withdrawal" by suggesting a "Sense of the Senate" resolution which has not authority but to make the author feel good. On the Sunday shows some members of the press (including people like Wolf Blitzer) were unwilling to let this sham continue without a question. These kind of non-responses should be highlighted for what they are. I think about immediate withdrawal in the same way that Senator Lieberman does - there are two exit strategies - victory and defeat and with defeat the forces we have been contending against will bring it back to us. But in any event the opponents of the President's policy should not be given a free pass.

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