Sunday, May 21, 2006

Our son got married yesterday

Peter and Jessica, originally uploaded by drtaxsacto.

Our son Peter got married yesterday to a young woman named Jessica Rimack.

Weddings are about optimism. They are a start celebrated with friends and family. But this new couple has a lot going for it. So while the trend is for optimism - there are good reasons for it in this case. Peter and Jessica work well together - they complement each other's qualities in very good ways. We took about a gazillion pictures - which will be posted on the flickr site over the next, as his sister used to say - few whiles. We also did something which was interesting - near the end of the reception we set up a laptop and asked anyone who had a digital camera to download them into my laptop - I ended up with about 1000 photos from the rehersal and the wedding and reception. We had two serious photographers but a lot of others who simply wanted to catch some of the memories - and interestingly enough they did. They caught things or people that the two serious photographers failed to catch. When I get around to making up their wedding album - we will have a whole lot more to work with - talk about a new type of Army of Davids!

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